Vivian Kohlman grew up in Columbia, Maryland, but lived in Los Angeles on and off in her 20's, before returning to the Washington, DC area to live out her adult life. Born and raised in the DC metro area, she adores the culture of the city and is passionate about highlighting the city's attributes, lifestyles, and norms.
Vivian attended a private university in Washington, DC for undergraduate and graduate school, and carried a very active social life. During her teens and twenties she and her friends lived through a lot of ups and downs—these experiences have fed the stories of this series. Currently, she loves to travel with her husband and reads or writes romance novels as often as she can.
The Young and Privileged of Washington, DC series covers stories about the elite of the nation’s capital, and how they live and love like everyone else. They make mistakes, find happiness, and are broken-hearted at times…but one thing never changes: they are privileged and will always end up OK.
The series does not contain erotica, though some scenes may be steamy. Curse words and questionable life choices are common, so only read this series if you're OK with that. Generally, the topics are a bit mature, but mid-teens and up should be able to relate, at least abstractly.